The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Banjarnegara Regency holds a routine roll call in January - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarnegara Regency

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The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Banjarnegara Regency holds a routine roll call in January

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Banjarnegara Regency holds a routine roll call in January

January 17, 2025 | Other Activities

The Banjarnegara Regency Central Statistics Agency (BPS) held a routine roll call on Friday, January 17 2024. The roll call was attended by all Banjarnegara Regency BPS employees. Acting as supervisor of the ceremony, Head of BPS Banjarnegara Regency, Edwin Triyoga, who delivered the message of Plt. Head of BPS, Mrs. Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti.

"2025 will be a crucial year with various major programs such as preparations for the 2026 Economic Census and the Inter-Census Population Survey (SUPAS). To all BPS employees from Sabang to Merauke, I advise them to continue to maintain their commitment and enthusiasm in building the Republic through the data we produce. BPS is the land of our struggle, let us care for it and protect it by working as well as possible to produce data that is not only meaningful but also has an impact on the nation's progress.

Let's open a new page in 2025 with strong enthusiasm and determination to

to be better. May Allah SWT always give us health and smoothness in every step we take. Let's build a nation together with data."






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