BPS Banjarnegara Holds DDA Focus Group Discussion (FGD). - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarnegara Regency

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BPS Banjarnegara Holds DDA Focus Group Discussion (FGD).

BPS Banjarnegara Holds DDA Focus Group Discussion (FGD).

February 19, 2024 | BPS Activities

Tuesday (20/02), BPS Banjarnegara Regency carried out a Regional in figures (DDA) FGD for two days, 19-20 February 2024, which was attended by 41 data producers.

DDA publications are useful for development planning, evaluation of development implementation, and determination of development policies.

Considering the importance of preparing DDA publications, it is very necessary to carry out this FGD in order to produce accurate and quality data.

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