Submission of Materials and Evaluation of the 2023 Research and Research FKP Officer Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarnegara Regency

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Submission of Materials and Evaluation of the 2023 Research and Research FKP Officer Training

Submission of Materials and Evaluation of the 2023 Research and Research FKP Officer Training

April 12, 2023 | BPS Activities

BPS Kab. Banjarnegara held a 2023 FKP Officer Training activity for two days on 11-12 April 2023 at the Surya Yudha Hotel Banjarnegara. The training is divided into 5 classes with 5 regional instructors.

The regional instructors who delivered the material were Marlianto Eko Basuki, S.E., Tri Kunarso, S.Si, M.Si, Siti Nur'aeni, SP, MM., Nurhidayat Adhi Nugroho, SST, and Ir. Tri Subagyo, M.Sc. The material presented included a general explanation of FKP, methods, field mechanisms, division of roles in FKP, procedures for filling in, entry of FKP results and use of supporting data, FKP simulations and post tests.

After the training was completed, closing and evaluation were carried out by Inda. It is hoped that all officers will understand the concept and definition of poverty, the population, the FKP mechanism and all the materials that have been presented so that all activities can run well.

Thank You
#FKP Training
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