FKP Officer Training (Public Consultation Forum) Research Research and Development 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarnegara Regency

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FKP Officer Training (Public Consultation Forum) Research Research and Development 2023

FKP Officer Training (Public Consultation Forum) Research Research and Development 2023

April 11, 2023 | BPS Activities

Today (11/04), BPS Banjarnegara Regency held Training Activities for Assistant Facilitators of the Public Consultation Forum for Research and Research Initial Data Collection. This training was held for 2 effective days starting April 11-12 2023 at the Surya Yudha Hotel Banjarnegara.

The training was opened by the Head of BPS Banjarnegara Regency, Mrs. Ratna Setyowati, S.Si, MT, MA. In his remarks he said, the Preliminary Data Collection of Regsosek itself aims to provide a database of the entire population consisting of profiles, social, economic conditions, and levels of welfare that are linked to population master data and other databases down to the village/kelurahan level. This year BPS will carry out an FKP based on the results of data collection that has been carried out in 2022. The implementation of the FKP itself is a consultation activity with regional community leaders regarding the accuracy of the results of welfare grouping based on the PMT model, so that it can be said simply that the FKP itself aims to obtain agreement on the results of welfare grouping families in the Initial Research Data Collection.

It is hoped that from this training all material from the manual questionnaire and other instruments will be conveyed which will be used as provision for the implementation of the FKP. 2023, the availability of reliable FKP officers with learner characteristics who are responsive to circumstances, oriented towards solving work and problems, trusted FKP officers and improving coordination and communication between officers in the framework of the successful implementation of FKP 2023 Research and Research Preliminary Data Collection Results.

Thank You
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