Service call and Preparatory Meeting for the 2023 Research and Research FKP - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarnegara Regency

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Service call and Preparatory Meeting for the 2023 Research and Research FKP

Service call and Preparatory Meeting for the 2023 Research and Research FKP

April 10, 2023 | BPS Activities

Monday, (10/04), the Service Call was held in the Office Hall which was attended by all BPS Kab. Banjarnegara. This routine activity is carried out to start activities for the next week.

The mandate of the apple supervisor was conveyed by the Head of BPS Kab. Banjarnegara Mrs. Ratna Setyowati, S.Si, MT, MA regarding Optimizing Bureaucratic Reform. Efforts to carry out basic reforms and changes to the government administration system in the framework of realizing good governance. Thematic RB covers poverty, investment, government digitalization, and presidential priorities. So whatever routine we do, give added value to the results.

On this occasion it was also followed by the 2023 Research FKP Preparatory Meeting regarding the implementation of FKP, FKP participants, administrator duties, payment of FKP participants, completeness of SPJ and payment methods. Hopefully all activities will be carried out according to schedule and run smoothly so as to produce quality data.

Thank You
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