Healthy Gymnastics Every Friday - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarnegara Regency

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Healthy Gymnastics Every Friday

Healthy Gymnastics Every Friday

April 9, 2021 | Other Activities

BPS Kabupaten Banjarnegara once again held morning exercise activities with all of its employees. Morning exercise is a physical activity that needs to be held so that the physical fitness of the BPS Kabupaten Banjarnegara employees is maintained. Especially in the midst of busy activities that are ongoing, the fitness of the employees must be maintained so that the body remains healthy so that they can carry out their job duties properly.


Healthy gymnastics activities at BPS Banjarnegara Regency are usually held on Friday mornings. As in the morning exercise guided by the instructor Zin Jonna. All employees of BPS Kab. Banjarnegara was enthusiastic in participating in healthy gymnastics on Friday (09/04) that morning. The gymnastics participants lined up in the front yard of the office and followed the exercise movements that were being demonstrated.


The movements demonstrated in morning exercise are very useful for training the muscles of the body and improving blood circulation. Therefore, exercise will help normalize blood flow and train stiff nerves so that it can improve heart health and stamina. In addition, exposure to morning sunlight is also very good because it helps the body produce vitamin D.


The various benefits of morning exercise will keep the body healthy and fit. Health and fitness will increase the ability to concentrate at work so that daily work can be added easily.


Don't forget "In a healthy body there is a strong soul"




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