Happy Friday Gymnastics with All BPS Banjarnegara Regency Employees - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarnegara Regency

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Happy Friday Gymnastics with All BPS Banjarnegara Regency Employees

Happy Friday Gymnastics with All BPS Banjarnegara Regency Employees

February 4, 2022 | Other Activities

Friday (04/02) In the midst of hectic activities, all BPS employees and the leadership of Banjarnegara Regency remained enthusiastic about participating in healthy Friday gymnastics. Gymnastics in the first week of February was led by gymnastics instructor Zin Jona.

In the pandemic season that is increasing again, we must maintain our health and fitness. In addition to eating nutritious food and maintaining cleanliness, of course it must be accompanied by exercise at least once a week so that the body remains healthy, fit, and the muscles are not stiff.

Healthy is delicious, healthy is frugal, healthy is everything.
Greetings healthy!
Thank You
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