Indept Study – Survei Konversi Jagung (SKJG) in Kabupaten Banjarnegara - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarnegara Regency

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Indept Study – Survei Konversi Jagung (SKJG) in Kabupaten Banjarnegara

Indept Study – Survei Konversi Jagung (SKJG) in Kabupaten Banjarnegara

April 7, 2021 | BPS Activities

Banjarnegara – Badan Pusat Statistik of Kabupaten Banjarnegara is conducting an Indept study – Survei Konversi  Jagung (SKJG). SKJG was conducted to improve the accuracy of the corn processing data. Therefore, data on the conversion of wet and dry corn cobs that are ready to harvest without skin and stalks to dry shelled corn is needed so that accurate and up-to-date figures are obtained.

Banjarnegara as an area that produces and produces maize is one of the samples in the SKJG activity. The survey was started with the activity of ubinan maize in the 1st subround. From the results of the ubinan, 5 sample plots of ubinan were selected to carry out the indept study. The locations of the ubinan samples for the indept study were in the village of Ambal and Sampang village, Karangkobar Karangkobar, Joho village, Bawang sub-district, and Darmayasa village, Kecamatan Pejawaran.

The data collected through the maize conversion survey activities were weight of maize on cobs when harvested, weight of maize after shelling and moisture content in maize, and weight of maize after drying and its moisture content. The drying process is carried out until the moisture content in the corn is a maximum of 14 percent.



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