Training officers of Special Survey by Regional Accounts and Statistical Analysis Team (Nerwilis) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarnegara Regency

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Training officers of Special Survey by Regional Accounts and Statistical Analysis Team (Nerwilis)

Training officers of Special Survey by Regional Accounts and Statistical Analysis Team (Nerwilis)

June 7, 2024 | BPS Activities

On 5-7 June 2024, the Nerwilis Team of the Banjarnegara Regency Central Statistics Agency held special survey officer training, including the Special Survey for Household Non-Profit Institutions (SKLNP), the Special Survey of Government Input Structure (SKSIP), the Special Survey for the Study of Inventory Change Preparation (SKSPPI) , and the 2024 Special Survey of Nonfinancial Private Companies (SKPS).
SKLNP is a survey of formal and non-formal institutions formed by individuals or community groups in order to provide goods/services for free or at prices that are not economically significant (involved in non-market production) to their members/households/community groups. LNPRT is not controlled by the government.

SKSIP is a survey conducted in all provinces in Indonesia. This survey is expected to produce more comprehensive data. The targets for SKSIP 2024 are government work units (Regional Apparatus/Dinas/Kanwil), government hospitals, state schools or state universities in each province.

SKSPPI is a survey conducted to obtain an overview of the quantity and value of inventory/inventory positions at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year, obtain the pattern and structure of inventory/inventory according to commodity type and business field classification, obtain information regarding the ratio of inventory to production value (output) and patterns in various business fields.

SKPS is a survey which aims to obtain information regarding the characteristics of Corporations/Nonfinancial Private Companies, including regarding the type of business, capital structure, number of workers, etc., as well as the results of business transactions of Corporations/Nonfinancial Private Companies.

By holding officer training, it is hoped that the quality of data collection can be improved with perfect understanding by data collection and survey inspection officers regarding the concept and definition of the survey.

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