Briefing Ubinan Tanaman Palawija Tahun 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarnegara Regency

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Briefing Ubinan Tanaman Palawija Tahun 2024

Briefing Ubinan Tanaman Palawija Tahun 2024

January 19, 2024 | BPS Activities

(Friday (19/01) BPS Banjarnegara Regency held a Briefing on 2024 Secondary Crop Tiles at the Banjarnegara Regency BPS Hall. On this occasion, the Head of BPS Banjarnegara Regency Mr. Edwin Triyoga, SST, SE, M.Si opened the briefing event. In the opening the Head of BPS Banjarnegara conveyed to officers to be serious in implementing Ubinan and Corn KSA to ensure that there is no moral hazard.
The instructor in the Corn KSA briefing was Mrs. Anindita Ardha Pradibtia SST First Expert Statistics of BPS Banjarnegara Regency and was also attended by the Head of the Food Crops, Horticulture and Plantation Statistics Team, Mr. S Wahyudi Setio Waskito, SST. The material presented includes the concept and definition of Corn KSA, installation and how to observe Corn KSA through the Corn KSA application and also emphasizes several things that must be considered when carrying out Corn KSA in the field, such as carrying out observations when there is still sunlight, deleting data before observing. in the field, fill in the feedback with phenomena in the field

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