Official Ceremony with The Theme of "The Role of BPS in Accelerating Extreme Poverty Reduction" - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarnegara Regency

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Official Ceremony with The Theme of "The Role of BPS in Accelerating Extreme Poverty Reduction"

Official Ceremony with The Theme of "The Role of BPS in Accelerating Extreme Poverty Reduction"

August 28, 2023 | Other Activities

Monday (28/08), an Official Ceremony was held at the Office Yard which was attended by all BPS Banjarnegara Regency employees. This routine activity is carried out to start the next week's activities.

S. Wahyudi S Waskito, SST, delivered the mandate of the rally supervisor regarding the role of bps in accelerating extreme poverty reduction. In accordance with InPres Number 4 of 2022 to support the acceleration of national extreme poverty reduction as a national priority program, BPS plays a role in collecting data on extreme poor populations using integrated social welfare data as basic data and conducting surveys as a means of evaluating progress in eradicating extreme poverty which is part of the National Socioeconomic Survey.

To support this role requires collaboration both internally and externally. Internal collaboration is carried out through National Socioeconomic Survey data validation which will serve as the basis for calculating the extreme poverty rate as well as providing the characteristics of extreme poor households to support extreme poverty analysis. Meanwhile, external collaboration is carried out through collaboration with TNP2K, Setwapres, Kemenko PMK as the daily coordinator for accelerating the reduction of extreme poverty, and the World Bank.

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