Coordination with the sub-district head in the context of the success of FKP activities - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarnegara Regency

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Coordination with the sub-district head in the context of the success of FKP activities

Coordination with the sub-district head in the context of the success of FKP activities

March 30, 2023 | BPS Activities

Thursday, (30/03), Head of BPS Kab. Banjarnegara Ms. Ratna Setyowati, S.Si, MT, MA and her entourage carried out collaboration and coordination activities with the Camat in order to make FKP activities successful in compiling quality social protection data.

This coordination was carried out in Sigaluh District and Banjarnegara District, and was directly met by Bpk. Izak Danial Aloys, S.STP, M.Si. as the Head of Sigaluh Sub-District and Acting Sub-District Head of Banjarnegara. He is ready to support the implementation of coordination meetings between facilitators and FKP. Hopefully this activity can run well and can produce quality data.

Thank You
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