Organizational Transformation To Achieve Shared Performance Becomes a Theme in Service Calls - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarnegara Regency

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Organizational Transformation To Achieve Shared Performance Becomes a Theme in Service Calls

Organizational Transformation To Achieve Shared Performance Becomes a Theme in Service Calls

February 27, 2023 | BPS Activities

Monday, (27/02), a Service Call was held at the Office Yard which was attended by all BPS Kab.Banjarnegara employees. This routine activity is carried out to start activities for the next week.

The mandate of the apple supervisor was conveyed by the Head of BPS Kab. Banjarnegara Mrs. Ratna Setyowati, S.Si, MT, MA regarding the organizational transformation work system to achieve joint performance. An agile and flexible work mechanism with the support of an electronic-based government system.

Performance management includes performance planning, implementation, performance monitoring and coaching, employee performance evaluation, and follow-up on performance evaluation results. In the middle of the activity, SK was handed over. Hopefully, with the transformation of the work system, joint performance can be achieved which can realize the vision and mission of BPS.

Thank You
#morning parade
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