May 6, 2021 | Other Activities
Banjarnegara - The spirit of celebrating the
holy month of Ramadhan 1442 H was felt in the BPS Kabupaten Banjarnegara. This
Ramadhan, BPS Kabupaten Banjarnegara routinely holds cultural activities.
Kultum is held after midday prayers in congregation at the Hall BPS Kabupaten
Banjarnegara on Monday and Thursday during the month of Ramadan.
The cult event was filled with studies about
Islam delivered by representatives of BPS staff. The first Kultum was held on
Thursday (15/04) with Ir. Tri Subagyo, M.Si. and the presenter, Mr. Arif
Priyono, S.ST. Every employee who is asked to fill in an event at the Ramadhan
cult activities at BPS Kabupaten Banjarnegara always brings very useful
material. With the existence of cult activities during the month of Ramadan, it
is hoped that it can increase the faith of all BPS Kabupaten Banjarnegara
employees so that they are always enthusiastic in carrying out fasting and
daily work both at home and at the office.
In connection with the condition of the
Covid-19 pandemic, cult activities carried out during the month of Ramadan this
year always apply health protocols, namely keeping a mask and maintaining
distance during activities. With the arrival of the month of Ramadan 1442 H,
may Allah SWT immediately raise the various diseases and calamities that are
plaguing our country. Aamiin.
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