Implementation of Updating Podes 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banjarnegara Regency

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Implementation of Updating Podes 2020

Implementation of Updating Podes 2020

July 3, 2020 | BPS Activities

Village development has become a priority in national development. Efforts to develop Indonesia from the periphery are carried out by strengthening villages within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
Village development in accordance with the mandate of Law No. 6 of 2014, aimed at improving the welfare and quality of life of rural communities. Infrastructure development is a government effort aimed at reducing the gap between villages and cities. This acceleration is carried out by rolling out the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) sourced from the State Budget (APBD), at least 10 percent of the balance funds received by the Regency / City in the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget after deducting the Special Allocation Fund (Article 72 paragraph 4, Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages)
Village Potential is a Village Development Data Collection activity that includes the availability of basic service infrastructure, infrastructure conditions, accessibility / transportation. Until now, the Podes were conducted 2 years before the census to support the smooth running of the census. Namely, the Agricultural Census (year ending 3), the Economic Census (year ending 6) and the Population Census ie (year ending 10).

The urgency of Podes data needs to be updated every year, then BPS needs to Update Podes data. This activity is called the Village Development Data Update (Updating Podes 2020), which is carried out every year outside the Podes data year.

The objectives of the Village Development Data Update activity are:
    Provide basic data to calculate the Geographical Difficulties Index (IKG) which will later be used as one of the variables in the allocation of Village Funds (DD).
  • Provides data to calculate the Village Index (ID).
  • Providing data for various purposes related to regional planning at the national and regional levels.
  • Providing data on the existence and development potential of the village / kelurahan which includes: basic services, infrastructure conditions, and accessibility / transportation.
  • Provides supporting data for the preparation of Regions in Figures (DDA).
  • Providing data for Urban / Rural calculation purposes
The Updating Podes 2020 will be carried out from 15 June to 15 July 2020 in all villages / villages. The Updating Podes 2020 officers are BPS organics and trained partners.
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